Other Education Materials

Research Review

Kay Hoover reviews the latest, evidence-based research from the journals. Download the information as well as the bibliography below. Created by Kay Hoover, MS Ed, IBCLC, FILCA.

Note: Free to re-copy and may be used for training purposes so long as Kay Hoover is cited and the handout is acknowledged as originating with www.breastfeedingatlas.com.

Help women with large breasts find comfortable feeding positions

Find a position that supports both your breast and your baby so your hands are free to hold the end of your breast into the baby’s mouth.

Click the image below to download the document.

Note: This handout may be freely copied so long as the content is not changed.

Radio-Contrast Materials and Breastfeeding Handouts

Kay Hoover has designed a poster for healthcare professionals to provide a quick reference for the use of radio-contrast materials and breastfeeding.  Fully referenced, the poster also contains the phone number for the Infant Risk Center at Texas Tech University, School of Medicine, where health care providers can get more information on medications and mother’s milk.

High Risk Reporting Form

Created by Barbara Wilson-Clay and originally published in Current Research in Clinical Lactation 2002, download the this High Risk Reporting Form below as this document may be freely copied. Use it to help ensure community-based follow-up when a mother and baby are being discharged from the hospital before breastfeeding has been well-established.

Photo Consent Form

Feel free to reuse the text in this form to create your own consent form when photographing and using photos of your clients or you may download it below or download the form below.